B2 A Song Jian “Hares fur” brown bowl

SKU: B2 Category:


Description:   Chinese Song Jian bowl with “Hares fur” glaze. The body is dark grey, as is typical of these bowls. This type of bowl is also known as “Temmoku”, a name originated in Japan when these bowls was brought there by Japanese Monks who lived some time in China, studying Buddhism at monasteries on the Tianmu mountains. The bowls from Tianmu becomes “temmoku”.

Dating:  Song period, 11th / 13th century

Size:  12.7 cm diameter

Provenance:  Antiquarian market

References:  The main color of these bowls can vary from brown to almost black, depending on the quantity of iron, but always with stripes. The three last pictures plus our bowl are an example of such differences.

Notes:  The bowl has been bought with the two gold repairs at the rim, which may indicate that this bowl has been treasured in Japan, where they have a special appreciation for the temmoku bowls. The gold repair at the base has been made in imitation of those repairs. A bad repair of the partially damaged foot and base has been made by some previous owner; the foot was painted in red and the pooling border of the glaze near the foot has been trimmed. The last picture is showing all this; nevertheless, still the dark grey sturdy stoneware body can be seen.


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